Starting a new food business?
- A food business is an enterprise or activity involving the storage, preparation and/or sale of food. In Western Australia, you cannot operate a food business unless the business is registered with the relevant registration authority. Failure to register your premises is a violation of the Food Act.
Application to register a food business
Purchasing an existing food premises?
- If you are considering or have purchased an existing food premises, a change in the details for your Food Act Registration must occur. You must submit the below form to the Shire’s Environmental Health team and pay the nominated fee.
Application to Transfer a Food Business
Routine inspection of food operations
- Food premises are routinely inpected by the Shire's Environmental Health Officer.
- A food sampling program is also run in the Shire of Irwin
- If you wish to sell food to the public, whether for a fundraising event or for profit, you must apply for a Stall Holder’s Permit from the Shire of Irwin’s Environmental Health Department.
- Charities and not for profit organisations are exempt from fees, however are still required to lodge an application with the Shire. You can apply for either a one-off event or a yearly permit which allows you to trade for a 12 month consecutive period.
Am I allowed to prepare food at home for a Food Stall?
- If you prepare any food at home for your Food Stall you will need to be registered as permanent premises and apply to the Shire for a Notification or Registration of a Food Business.
Stall Holder Permit - FoodStall Holder Permit - Non FoodTrader Permit
standards for a food stall
A new standard has been introduced across Australia to improve food safety and to reduce foodborne illnesses by ensuring food is handled safety by food handlers with adequate skills and knowledge.
The National Food Safety Standard requires people working with food to have skills and knowledge of food hygiene matters.
In accordance with the new National Food Safety Standard 3.2.2A – Food Safety Management Tool, which was introduced in December last year, all Australian businesses in food service, catering and retail sectors that handle unpackaged, potentially hazardous food that is ready to eat must undertake food safety training.
Generally, this includes caterers, restaurants, cafes, takeaway shops, pubs, supermarkets and delis, food vans and other facilities serving food. All staff (including chefs, cooks and waiters) in category two business are required to complete food handler training course.
The standard has introduced three food safety management tools for businesses. The three tools include:
1. Requirement to complete food handler training course,
2. Requirement to appoint a qualified food safety supervisor; and
3. Requirement to show that the food is safe.
You can access the course for free at then enter the code FSRWN242 on the payment page and for the $35.00 discount to be applied.
A certificate will be available to print and download once the course is successfully completed.
Category one business that process or makes unpackaged, potentially hazardous, ready to eat food must have food safety controls in place such as temperature and cleaning/sanitising.
Food safe pamphlet
- When holding an event, an approval of the public building or premises may be required.
- Public buildings are required to be routinely inspected, the Shire of Irwin's Environmental Health Officer conducts these inspections
For further infomation please contact the Shire's Community Development Officer on 9927 0000
- Caravan parks and lodging houses require registration and are subject to routine inspections within the Shire of Irwin.
- Lodging house - includes hotels, inns, bed and breakfast and residental homes providing accommodation
For futher information please contact the Shire of Irwin's Environmental Health Officer at 9927 0000
Registration is also required for the following types of business's within the Shire of Irwin:
- Hairdressers and skin penetration premises
- Offensive Trades
Please note that under the Local Health Law 2002 roosters, geese, turkeys, peafowl and gamebirds are not permitted within the town site (without written approval of the Council) as they can become an annoyance in higher density residential areas.
However, an owner or occupier of premises within a townsite can keep up to a combined total of 20 poultry and pigeons without the approval of Council, as long as they don't create a nuisance to adjoining neighbours and the conditions below are followed.
Please see section 5.4.3 of the Local Health Law 2002 for further information for the conditions of keeping poultry.
Health Local Law 2002
- Public swimming pools and spas are required to be registered through the Department of Health. The Shire of Irwin conducts inspections and regularly samples public pools for water quality to ensure facilities are maintained in accordance with their registration.
- The Shire also monitors recreational water quality (beaches) and takes regular water samples.
- Aquatic facilities are bound by the Code of Practise for the design, construction, operation, management and maintenance of aquatic facilities and the Health (Aquatic Facilities) Regulations 2007
Dept of Health - aquatic facilities
Health Nuisance Complaints may include:
- Asbestos/contaminated sites
- Noise
- Dust
- Odour
- House unfit for habitation
Noise pollution
Please contact the Shire of Irwin at or on 9927 0000 if you wish to make a complaint.