Community Safety Contacts

Community Safety Contacts


In case of snake bite:

  • Call  000 immediately
  • Do not wash, squeeze or puncture the bite site
  • Apply a broad pressure immobilisation bandage
  • Keep the victim calm and still and do not give food or alcohol
  • Never allow the victim to walk
  • Never try to catch or kill the snake
  • Bites to the head and body must be bandaged as firmly as possible
Contact a snake handler
Snake handler contact details


Common snakes found in Dongara

Carpet pythons

Yellow-face whip snakes

King Brown snake (Mulga)

Western Brown snake (gwardar)

* The brown snake is one of Australia’s deadliest, however, all suspected bites should be treated as potentially life threatening.

Places snakes like to hide
  • Under tin/metal laying on the gound
  • Backyard with lots of vegetation or items laying around
  • Where there are mice
  • Around water


There are a number of measures that can be taken to reduce the risk of a shark attack. These measures are based on sensible water use and knowing under which conditions to avoid entering the water:

  • Swim in a group, since sharks are more likely to attack lone swimmers
  • Do not venture too far from shore or into deep waters
  • Avoid swimming at night, dawn and dusk
  • Do not enter the water if you are bleeding
  • Avoid areas where fishermen are present
  • Avoid swimming when there are large numbers of bait fish - diving seabirds can be a good indicator of baitfish presence
  • Stay away from river mouths, especially after heavy rains, and areas where animal or human waste enters the water
  • Avoid splashing and erratic movements
  • Avoid areas with deep drop-offs or sandbars
  • Stay away from groups of dolphins and seabirds, they are attracted to the same food source as sharks, and sharks hunt dolphins as a prey source
  • Avoid areas around seal and sea lion colonies
  • Do not swim in murky waters

For more information or tips and tricks see:

Surf Life Saving WA Shark Smart App

Report a shark sighting
Report a shark sighting

Exit the water and warn others of the potential danger

Please call the Water Police on  9442 8600 and provide the following information;

  • Your name
  • Phone Number
  • Location / Local Governnment
  • Time shark was sighted
  • Where the shark was sighted
  • Number of sharks
  • Approximate size of shark

The Water Police will then notify the relevant personnel and agencies, including the Shire, Dongara Fisheries and the Dongara Denison Surf Life Saving Club upon receiving and verifying the report. These agencies will continue to monitor the water and will advise if and when the beaches will be opened again.

Please ensure you pay attention to any beach closure signs and instructions from an authorised person* 

*Department of Fisheries, Dongara Denison Surf Life Saving members and the Shire Ranger or other authorised person.



Swarming is part of the natural reproduction of bee colonies. If bee swarms are left alone, they will not sting and will generally keep to themselves. In spring or in warm weather, the swarm will leave the hive, and cluster in one place to protect the queen while worker bees search for a new home. In most instances unless there is rain, the swarm will move on to continue the search for a new home.

Take precautions against bees:

  • Do not hose, throw rocks at, or smoke the swarm    
  • Keep children and pets away from the swarm
  • Keep clear of the swarm or cluster
  • Wear suitable footwear outside.
Report a bee hive or swarm
Report a bee swarm or hive

Bee hives on private property are the owner or occupier's responsibility. 

If bee hives are on Council-owned land, please contact the Ranger on 0427 110 237 or at
These are our local registered bee catchers & swarm removalist

  • The Buzzy Family (7 mile beach) 0458 272 592 
Keeping bees

Instructions on keeping bees as per the Health Local Law 2002 

  1. A person shall not keep or permit the keeping of bees anywhere within the district unless approval to do so has been given by the Council.
  2. If, in the opinion of an Environmental Health Officer, the approved bee hives are causing a nuisance, the Council may direct any bees or approved bee hives to be removed.
  3. A person shall comply with a direction within the time specified.