Public Interest Disclosure

Public Interest Disclosure

The Public Interest Disclosure Act 2003 (PID Act) enables people to make disclosures about wrongoing within the state public sector, local government and public universities without fear of reprisal. The Act aims to ensure openness and accountability in government by encouraging people to make disclosures by maintaining confidentiality and providing immunity from detrimental action.

Public Interest Disclosure Act 2003Shire of Irwin Public Interest Disclosure Guidelines

What is a public interest disclosure?

A disclosure that relates to a matter of public interest and tends to show wrongdoing by a public body.

What is a public body?
  • A public authority (state government, local government, public university, etc);
  • A public officer (employee of a public authority, a minister, a member of parliament, a judical officer, a police officer, a holder of office under the State);
  • A public sector contractor (a person or organisation engaged by a public authority).
What is a wrongdoing?
  • Improper conduct;
  • Offence under State Law;
  • Substantial misuse of public resources;
  • Substantial mismanagement of public resources;
  • Substantial risk to public health, safety or the environment;
  • Matter of administration that can be investigated by the State Ombudsman.
How do I make a disclosure?

Your disclosure must be made to the proper authority: 

  • The Public Interest Disclosure Officer within the public authority where the wrongdoing occurred;
  • A Police Officer;
  • Corruption and Crime Commission;
  • WA Ombudsman;
  • Auditor General.
Useful contacts

For further information about public interest disclosures visit the Public Sector Commission online

Alternatively call the PID Advice and Referral Line: 1800 355 835

Contact Information

Public Interest Disclosure Officer, Shire of Irwin

Shane Ivers, Chief Executive Officer

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