Community Engagement

Community Engagement

Masterplan Concept Designs

The Shire of Irwin Council presented the Foreshore, Walking Trail & Entry Statement masterplan concept designs as part of the Community Engagement Drop-in sessions in March 2021. The Shire received  great input from the community that was incorporated into the masterplans. 

The Shire then welcomed final community feedback on the finalised masterplans throughout December 2021 - January 2022. A final report was presented for Council's consideration at the February 2022 Ordinary Council Meeting. 

Call us on 9927 0000 or email for further information. 

Port Denison Foreshore Masterplan Concept Design Report

The masterplan is developed from design principles; A Connected Place, A Distinct Place, An Accessible Place and A Place to Visit. These principles are incorporated into the five key precincts identified as: Grannies Beach, Foreshore Park, Foreshore Core, Boat Ramp and Obelisk. 

Follow the link below to view the report.

Port Denison Foreshore Masterplan Concept Design Report

Irwin River Walking Trail Amenity Upgrades Masterplan

The Irwin River Walking Trail Amenity Upgrades aims to enhance community wellbeing and highlight the unique qualities of Dongara/Port Denison. The Irwin River is an important natural asset for our twin towns. 

Follow the link below to view the report.

Irwin River Walking Trail Amenity Upgrades Masterplan

Extended Entry Statement Masterplan

The Extended Entry Statement Masterplan aims to attract visitors into our town and improve the arrival experience.

Follow the link below to view the report.

Extended Entry Statement Masterplan