The Rates Information Pack Includes;
- 2023/24 Rating Information Pamphlet
- 2023/24 Firebreak Notice
- Emergency Services Levy Information Pamphlet
Rates Information Pack 2023/24
Payment Options
The following payment options are available to ratepayers, provided that all arrears have been paid in full:
- Option 1 - Payment in full by the due date
- Option 2 - Two instalments
- Option 3 - Four instalments
Instalment charge
There will be an instalment charge applicable to Options 2 and 3. The additional amount will be detailed on your rate notice and will be incorporated into the instalment payments. *Instalment scheme attracts a 5.5% per annum charge plus a $5 per instalment administration fee.
Alternate payment arrangements
Under section 6.49 of the Local Government Act 1995, it is stated that alternate payment arrangements can be made if agreed to by both the Shire and the ratepayer. Should any ratepayers believe that they may experience difficulties in paying their rates, please contact the rates department to make alternative arrangements.
- Please be aware that there is an administration fee of $30 applicable to payment arrangement options.
Ratepayers must elect to use one of these options otherwise an interest charge of 11% per annum (calculated daily) will apply on all rates outstanding after 35 days from the issue of the rate notice. If these payment methods are not an option, please contact the rates department to discuss alternative arrangements.
Pensioners & Seniors
Eligible pensioners & seniors are entitled to receive a discount on their rates.
Council shall determine the nature and extent of the entitlement from details as at 1 July, in relation to ownership and occupation. Also a pro-rata rebate amount will be paid if a person becomes the holder of an eligible card type during the financial year which is effective from the date of registration. A deferral arrangement is also possible for eligible pensioners.
For further information regarding pensioner & senior rates concessions, please contact the rates department.
Alternatively, you can visit the Water Corporation onlineor phone 1300 659 951 weekdays 8am-5pm.
Some ratepayers may receive amended rate accounts during the year where Landgate considers the Gross Rental Value or Unimproved Value of their property has changed. The Gross Rental Value (GRV) is the annual amount that the owner could obtain from rental of the property and is assessed by Landgate.
The GRV is used as the base upon which rates are levied and values are generally reviewed every 4 years. Any alteration to the property could result in an amendment to the valuation.
An interest charge of 11.0% per annum calculated daily will be added to all rates outstanding for a period greater than 35 days from the date of issue of the rate notice. Interest is not charged to entitled and registered pensioners.
Council's rates income is used in the provision of facilities and services for the community, with the following rating levels applicable for the 2023/2024 year.
Townsite Land
Gross Rental Value
From 1 July 2022 all land within the Gross Rental Value area is rated using the general rate.
Townsite Land within the Shire is rated using the same rate in the dollar. It is levied after the consideration of many factors such as prevailing economic conditions, increases to land valuations as assessed by Landgate, the works and asset development proposals contained in the Budget, and a variety of other factors.
Category | Rate In Cents | Minimum Rate |
General GRV Rate | 12.137 | $1,050 |
Rural Land & Mining
Unimproved Value
At present, all rural land within the Shire is rated using the same rate in the dollar.
Category | Rate in Cents | Minimum Rate |
Mining | 21.361 | $1050 |
Policy Areas A to G | 1.3019 | $1050 |
To preserve and protect the major areas of Crown Reservations and Vacant Land within this policy area in its natural state.
Set aside for Townsite expansion or impacted on by buffers and mining leases.
General Broadacre farming, not suitable for subdivision, designed to consolidate and preserve existing agricultural practices.
Hobby farming suitable for subdivision into rural/small holdings to a minimum of 15ha.
Coastal management area for future development of tourist projects and possible subdivision into rural smallholdings to a minimum lot size of 15ha.
Properties zoned as Special Residential with provision for subdivision of small 1 to 2 ha lifestyle lots.
Hobby farming suitable for subdivision into rural/small holdings to a minimum of 20ha.
The minimum rates of $1,050 for all properties are set at a level to ensure that affected property owners contribute an equitable and realistic level of rates to the maintenance of services provided by the Shire.
Objection to Valuation
Objections must be lodged with Landgate within 60 days after issue of the rate notice. Rates are still required to be paid if an objection is lodged, with a refund paid if the objection is successful.
Objection to Valuation Form is available on the Landgate website or from the Shire Administration Office, 11-13 Waldeck Street, Dongara.
Objection to Rates Assessment
Under the provisions of the Local Government Act 1995, a property owner is able to lodge an objection to the rates imposed by a Council on the following grounds:
- There is an error on the rate assessment, either in respect to the owners or property details; or
- The characteristics of the land differ from that used in the differential rating system.
The objection is to be received within 60 days of the issue of the rate notice. Please contact the rates department if you would like to discuss the matter further.
If your postal address changes we require you to notify us in writing. The easiest way is to complete and submit the following form:
Change of Details Form