Bushfire Management

Bushfire Management
Who do I call to advise of a bushfire?

To report a bushfire or any other emergency please call 000

To see reported fires or to keep updated on an emergency visit

Planned Burning Periods and Information

Reducing fuel increases the chances of your property surviving a bushfire. The more fuel available to a bushfire, the hotter the fire can burn and the harder it is to control. Flammable material such as leaf litter, fallen branches, dead grasses and shrubs provide fuel for fire, allowing it to grow more quickly and burn at higher temperatures. This increases the likelihood of damage to your property, neighbouring properties and the environment. In comparison, reduced fuel levels assist not only in reducing how quickly a fire can spread, but it also reduces its spotting distance (how far the fire can jump).

Burning Periods

RESTRICTED  - 1 October to 31 October  (inclusive)

PROHIBITED  - 1 November to 28 February (inclusive)

RESTRICTED  - 1 March to 7 April (inclusive)

Burning PROHIBITED on High or above Fire Danger Rating (FDR)

Camp fires are prohibited - 1 October to 30 April


Should you intend to burn, please continue to monitor weather conditions both pre and post burning, ensure that all burning is closely monitored and fully extinguished and do not burn when a Total Fire Ban is in place. 

The Landowner/Occupier is always responsible and liable for the safe implementation of all burning on their land.

During the Unrestricted Period, you should continue to follow the below guidelines

Register your burn with DFES on 9395 9209

Notify Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions on 9688 6000 or 0417 182 618 if the burn is going to be conducted within 3km of a nature reserve.

  • Notify your neighbours.
  • Ensure smoke does not impact roads/traffic and townsites.
  • Ensure firebreaks are maintained before burning.
  • Ensure sufficient firefighting resources remain on site for the duration of the burn.

For more information on conducting a planned burn visit here

If you have any questions, please contact your local Fire Control Officer.

Burning Permit - Issuing Officers & Bush Fire Control Officers

Burning Permit - Issuing Officers                                                                                                                                                             


Shire Office -  9927 0000

Community Ranger  - 0427 110 237

Murry Butcher - 0408 956 741

Geoff Crabb - 0427 150 072

Hugh Campbell - 0427 931 058

Stephen Boyd - 0427 366 557

Rural Areas

Andrew Gillam  - 0427 717 174

Geoff Crabb - 0427 150 072

Peter Summers - 0429 086 270

Bush Fire Control Officers

Chief Bush Fire Control Officer - Peter Summers

Deputy Chief Bush Fire Control Officers - Andrew Gillam and Murry Butcher

Fire Weather Officers - Geoff Crabb and Andrew Gillam

Bush Fire Control Officers - Andrew Gillam,  Murry Butcher, Peter Summers, Hugh Campbell, Stephen Boyd, Community Emergency Services Manager and the Community Ranger's (limited to enforcement and issuing permits)


Dongara Volunteer Fire & Rescue Brigade & Dongara Town Bushfire Brigade

The Brigades rely on a dedicated team of volunteers to keep the service running. 

Volunteering is a great way to become more connected and contribute to your community. Whether you're working on the frontline, or in a supporting role, your local knowledge can play a vital role in strengthening your community and keeping it safe.

For all membership enquiries to please contact the Shire office on 08 9927 7000 or Captain Brodie M'Leane – 0428 198 157 (Fire & Rescue) and Jimmy Butcher 0428 271 285 (Town Bushfire).

You can find out more information about the Dongara Denison Volunteer Fire Brigade on Facebook  

Irwin Bushfire Brigade

The Irwin Bushfire Brigade rely on a dedicated team of volunteers to keep the service running. 

Volunteering is a great way to become more connected and contribute to your community. Whether you're working on the frontline, or in a supporting role, your local knowledge can play a vital role in strengthening your community and keeping it safe.

For all membership enquiries to please contact the Shire office on 08 9927 7000 or Captain Jono Moss on 0488 336 949.

Bush Fire Act