A building permit is required prior to commencing construction for most structures (residential, commercial or industrial) including but not limited to new works, additions, alterations, commercial fitouts and refurbishments, changes to ground levels, swimming pools, spas and pool barriers.
Although Part 6 of the Building Regulations 2012 details building work for which a building permit is not required, it does not exempt those works which may require planning approval.
It is important to consult the Shire of Irwin as the permit authority or a registered building surveyor to ensure you obtain correct advice about the plans and processes you need to follow prior to lodging a permit application.
The Shire of Irwin currently contracts the City of Greater Geraldton to assess all applications, the City's Building Surveying Team are available to answer all questions building related on the Shires behalf between 8.30am and 5.00pm at the Geraldton Civic Centre on Cathedral Avenue (08) 9956 6916 or alternatively at council@cgg.wa.gov.au.
Relevant application forms, information sheets, checklists, fees and charges and copies of current property plans can be accessed on the Forms & Information Page.
An Uncertified Application is one in which the certification of building standards has not been done prior to the lodging of the Building Permit application.
All building application are submitted the Permit Authority (the Shire of Irwin).
- Uncertified applications can only be lodged for Class 1a and 10 residential buildings
- The Shire of Irwin has 25 business days to approve or reject your application
- Please ensure all plans, specifications and all other relevant approvals are submitted with your application to assist in a timely aproval
A Certified Application is where you engage a registered building surveyor to complete a Certificate of Design Compliance (CDC) to accompany the building application submitted to the Permit Authority (the Shire of Irwin).
- Applications for Class 1b and Class 2 to 9 must be lodged as Certified Applications
- Applications for Class 1a and 10 may be lodged as Certified or Uncertified Applications
- The Shire of Irwin has 10 business days to approve or reject your application
- Please ensure all plans, specifications and all other relevant approvals are submitted with your application to assist in a timely aproval
The role of a building surveyor
Prior to granting a building permit, a permit authority must be satisfied that the proposed building work has the necessary approval under the Planning and Development Act 2005 and the applicant has complied or is complying with all relevant planning requirements.
Development (Planning) page
Please contact Regulatory Services on (08) 9927 0000 and they will be able to advise whether a planning assessment or a planning application is required to meet the relevant requirements.