2024/25 Shire President Budget Statement

Breaking news

23 August 2024

23 August 2024

2024/25 Shire President Budget Statement

The Shire of Irwin adopted its 2024/25 Budget at the August Special Council meeting on Tuesday 20th August 2024.

Council has budgeted for a 5% overall increase in rate revenue to achieve a balanced budget for the 2024-25 financial year.

The 2024-25 budget has been structured to meet Irwin community expectations on levels of service delivery and asset maintenance to maintain a functional Shire, whilst allowing for the future implementation of community infrastructure projects.

Council is pleased to announce some of the major projects that have been budgeted for over the following year:

Council has recognised the importance of the iconic Port Denison Foreshore to our community, which provides safe, family friendly open space, boating and fishing activities, while also driving visitor numbers to our Shire. $1.5 million has been allocated for Foreshore development works, with expectation to further attract significant funding once design and engineering packages are completed.

Council have committed to replacing the boat ramp finger jetty with a modern user-friendly floating jetty, whilst actively pursuing funding to further expand the boat launching and trailer parking facilities in future years.

The upgrade of the Irwin River Milo Crossing infrastructure is a project that will not only enhance road safety but will have a positive impact for a number of local industries, particularly our agricultural community. Funds have been maintained in the budget for this project with completion anticipated in November 2026.

Council is proud to announce our old Shire Hall will receive a facelift through Cyclone Seroja funding. This will enable the hall to be utilised as an Incident Control Centre, providing the Dongara townsite with its own local emergency coordination point during incidents and potentially reopen for community use.

Prior to setting the 2024-25 budget for the Port Denison Foreshore Sprint, Council requested that the CEO undertake a full review of the event’s safety and finances with the results to be presented back to Council for their consideration. As a result of this review, Council have decided the 2024 Sprint event will not take place. Therefore, presenting the opportunity to review the costs, safety requirements, insurance and liability associated with these types of events.

Council acknowledges the significance of social engagement opportunities and continues to commit funding to community events such as Australia Day and Magic on Moreton, either through direct involvement, in kind support, or funds allocated through the Shires Community Assistance Scheme and Events program. Double Barrell Entertainment’s addition of a significant Rodeo event to the Irwin event calendar this October is highly anticipated and will be supported by the Irwin Race Club and the Shire of Irwin.

Council has carefully considered a balance of showcasing our community through the support and delivery of public events whilst also enabling permanent community items such as the boat ramp, playgrounds, footpaths, rural and town roads, which represent essential long term community assets that benefit our community year in year out.

On behalf of the Council and Staff I would like to thank the community for supporting our Shire. We have some major projects progressing within our region this year and we are excited with the opportunities this year will bring.

Mark Leonard
Shire President

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