April Community News


28 April 2022

Shire President Update

Firstly I would like to say a very happy birthday to Dot Gardner who turned 100 on April 26, Council and all Shire staff send her best wishes and congratulate her on this wonderful milestone.

As we enter storm season I would like to remind everyone about the importance of being prepared. Strong winds produced during severe storms can cause extensive damage to property, injury to people and damage to buildings. They can also produce very heavy rainfall, which can trigger both flash flooding and widespread flooding. This can damage property and also cut off roads and other infrastructure.

To learn how to prepare your home and property visit here and for up-to-date information during an emergency see

The Shire of Irwin proudly sponsored the Dongara Golf Club 2022 Winter Season Opening and as such I had the pleasure of joining the Club for their trophy presentation.

I would like to congratulate everyone that took part in the event, especially the winners – Bruce Milner and Sally McTaggart and wish all players the best of luck for the season.

Council News

It has been a busy month for the Shire of Irwin Council. Councillors took part in a planning strategy session, looking at future infrastructure and planning needs, as part of the strategic planning process. Councillors also took part in a Budget Review workshop.

A budget review is a detailed comparison of the year-to-date actual results with the adopted or amended budget. It establishes whether a local government continues meeting its budget commitments and is in receipt of income and incurs expenditure in accordance with the adopted budget. The details of the Budget Review can be found in the March 22 Council Meeting Minutes that are available here.

This month Council had to make the unfortunate decision to close the Irwin Recreation Centre access gates on Richardson Road and Plester Street in an attempt to reduce vandalism.

People are still able to drive around the oval, however this is via the main Ridley Street carpark only.

If you need to unlock these gates for an event or a community group that requires access, please contact the Shire office to arrange a key.

Community Funding Availible 

Are you a not-for-profit community-based organisation, event organiser or individual with a project idea that will benefit our community?

The Shire of Irwin Community Assistance Scheme (CASE) aims to provide assistance to not-for-profit community based organisations, event organisers and individuals to support the promotion and development of social, economic, recreational, art and cultural projects that make a positive contribution to the quality of life within the Shire of Irwin.

If you are planning an event, project or activity you can apply for up to $5,000 in funding.

Previous projects have included the creation of the heritage trail brochures by the Irwin District Historical Society and the Midwest Autumn Craft Roundup.

For more information or to apply for CASE funding visit here.

Planned Burns

If you own or manage land in WA it is your responsibility to reduce the risk of bushfire impacting it. This applies to all landholders and land occupiers.

One of the most effective ways you can reduce fuel loads and the risk of bushfire is planned burning. Reducing fuel increases the chances of your property surviving a bushfire. The more fuel available to a bushfire, the hotter the fire can burn and the harder it is to control, reduced fuel levels assist not only in reducing how quickly a fire can spread, but it also reduces its spotting distance (how far the fire can jump).

In the Shire of Irwin you can conduct planned burns from April 8 to October. For more information you can visit or contact the Shire administration office for more information.

COVID-19 Update

Based on the latest public health advice, the WA State Government has eased public health and social measures to Level 1 to suit the current Omicron wave.

Checking in and proof of vaccination requirements are now only required for people visiting a hospital. 

There are also changes to density and capacity limits, and gatherings.

To read about all the changes visit

Industry Update

Mitsui E&P Australia (MEPAU) has received $20 million from the Australian Government to kick-start the establishment of a Mid West Modern Energy Hub at Arrowsmith.

The Hub will provide an industry leading Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) solution for emissions intensive activities and bring substantial employment and opportunity to the region.

Iluka has announced that they plan to establish a rare earth oxide refinery in Eneabba.

The refinery, which will be co-financed by the federal government, will be capable of processing rare earth feedstocks sourced from both Iluka’s portfolio and from a range of potential third party concentrate suppliers.

In a win for our region the refinery will employ 300 people during construction (due to start in the current June quarter) and employ 270 people when operational from 2025.

VRX Silica, who are hoping to mine high-quality silica sand, is a step closer to starting construction of its flagship Arrowsmith North project after securing an important environmental approval for the project.

Did you know?

The Shire of Irwin has two Community Rangers to assist and educate the community on issues relating to animal control, litter, parking, fire management, straying stock, abandoned vehicles and camping, seven days a week.

To contact the Community Ranger, please call 0427 110 237 or email, alternatively during business hours, you can call Shire of Irwin office on 9927 0000.

Download a copy of our April Community News 

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