04 November 2021
On behalf of the Shire of Irwin, I wish to thank the community for your participation in the recent 2021 Ordinary Council Election. Councillors play a significant role, they are tasked with making decisions on behalf of the community, provide leadership and guidance, facilitate determining and reviewing policy, planning for the future, asset management and financial governance. They guide the future of our Shire covering many aspects from its presentation to its future development.
Currently our Council is faced with many challenges including the unprecedented volume of significant industry projects progressing or being developed within our Shire. While this has the potential to be an economic windfall for our community, Council must work to ensure that the interests of industry align with the interests of our community, to advocate to ensure that the Shire as a whole benefits. More information on the Council’s direction can be found in their newly adopted 2021-31 Strategic Community Plan at
The Shire of Irwin has eight Councillors this election four of those positions were up for renewal. The nominees were Isabelle Scott, Barry Wyse, Elyce Tunbridge, Mark Leonard and Kellie Wilson.
The election was conducted by postal vote, a method proven to be more convenient for many electors that typically results in a higher rate of voter participation than in person ballots. In the Shire of Irwin we had 41% of our 2,746 electors voting, which is an outstanding result when compared to the State average of 29% (2019). Over 1,100 formal ballot papers were received containing a total of 3,708 votes.
The 2021 Ordinary Council Election saw long serving Councillor Ian West retire, the re-election of Councillors Isabelle Scott, Barry Wyse and Mark Leonard and the election of one new member Elyce Tunbridge. Councillor Mike Smith was again elected as Shire President and Councillor Isabelle Scott elected as Deputy Shire President.
I wish to extend my appreciation to nominee Kellie Wilson who gained a fantastic number of votes though just not quite enough to be elected this time around.
Congratulations to the elected Councillors and many thanks to the departing Councillor Ian West for his significant contribution to local government over the past 30 years, specifically for the 12 years he dedicated to the Shire of Irwin.