06 January 2022
We held our Magic on Moreton – thanking the community evening to celebrate the completion of the Moreton Terrace Revitalisation Project on December 4 and it was wonderful to see so many community members come out to celebrate.
I would like to thank all the businesses who participated and everyone who came and made the event such a huge success.
I would also like to acknowledge the special guests who joined us on the day. The Federal Member for Durack, Melissa Price MP who unfortunately, due to quarantine, could not be there in person so instead sent a video message and Shane Love MLA Deputy Leader of the Nationals WA and Member for Moore who helped us cut the ribbon.
The Moreton Terrace Upgrade project was funded by the Federal Government’s Drought Communities initiative and the State Government Regional Road Group funding programmes. We are very grateful for the support we receive from both the State and Federal Governments.
A big thank you also to local industry groups who sponsored the event – Infinite Blue Energy, VRX Silica, Perpetual Resources, Cockburn Cement – Dongara, MEPAU and Strike Energy.
I understand that at times it was difficult for businesses situated along the Terrace, and for the public trying to navigate the works, however we very much appreciated your patience and understanding and believe the result has been well worth it.
With the advent of the hot weather, we have already seen several fires occur across the region, thankfully it was recently announced that the Shire of Irwin would receive a $250,000 Bushfire Mitigation Activity Fund Grant.
The Western Australian government established the Mitigation Activity Fund Grants Program (MAFGP) to reduce bushfire hazards that present a high risk to assets throughout the State.
With an increased risk of fire this season thanks to high rainfall boosting grass growth, this funding is a welcome relief. It will allow us to undertake 24 fire mitigation treatments across the Shire. These mitigation works commenced on December 10 and will continue until the December 23, pending contractor availability and suitable weather conditions.
Further to this the Irwin Bushfire Brigade’s capacity to fight fires has received a significant boost with the addition a 4x4 500L firefighting vehicle to their fleet.
Funded by the Emergency Services Levy, through the Department of Fire and Emergency Services WA Local Government Grants Scheme, the Irwin Light Tanker has upgrades to its comprehensive crew protection system. The upgrades include enhanced safety features for our volunteer firefighters such as a deluge system to protect the occupants and vehicle during a burn over situation.
The Shire is making huge efforts to reduce bushfire risk; however the community still has an important role to play.
We are asking landowners to please ensure their properties are prepared in the event of a bushfire. I urge you to undertake your own bushfire mitigation to prepare your property now that the bushfire season is upon us.
Firebreaks should be installed by now and they need to be maintained and clear of flammable materials until April 30 next year.
You can visit for more information on how to prepare for bushfire season and prepare your bushfire plan.
The Shire of Irwin has been successful in its application for funding under the ‘Saluting Their Service’ (STS) Commemorative Grants Program.
The program is designed to preserve Australia’s wartime heritage; involve people around the country in a wide range of projects and activities that highlight the service and sacrifice of Australia’s service personnel. The funds will go towards further upgrades to Memorial Park.
We have several large projects progressing in the Shire, including stage two of MEPAU’s Waitsia project. Local company In-Situ Construction & Maintenance (ICM) have been contracted by Clough to work on stage two and are about to commence works out there. It is encouraging to see local businesses and workers benefiting from these projects and I would like to wish them all the best.
You may have noticed the 155-metre mast that has recently appeared in Arrowsmith. It is a Meteorological Weather Mast that has been installed onsite by Infinite Blue Energy to monitor wind speeds and wind direction. This data is then sent to Perth where it is analysed to determine final hub heights for their 5-7MW Wind Turbines. The turbines will power their Arrowsmith Hydrogen Plant, producing up to 25 tonnes of green hydrogen per day.
I believe there are some very exciting days ahead, as the Shire of Irwin leads the way in the green energy revolution.
After a very busy year our Shire staff will be taking a well-earned break over the festive season – the Shire of Irwin Administration office will be closed Thursday December 23 to Wednesday January 5 and the Irwin Rec Centre will be closed Thursday December 23 to Wednesday January 5, (24 hour access to gym remains as normal). For full details of closures visit
I would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas, please stay safe, be careful on the roads and I look forward to a happy and prosperous 2022.