On the 23 April 2024 the Shire of Irwin Council adopted a new policy CP46 Agenda Forums to change the meeting structure for the Shire of Irwin.
Previously the Shire would hold an Agenda Briefing and Councillor Information Sessions before the scheduled Ordinary Council Meeting. With the adoption of the new policy the Agenda Forum will take place one week prior to the scheduled Ordinary Council Meeting. Replacing the Agenda Briefing and Councillor Information Sessions
The first Agenda Forum will take place on Tuesday 21 May 2024 starting at 5pm and will be held in the Council Chambers at 11-13 Waldeck Street Dongara.
Question Time
If you would like to ask a question at the Agenda Forum Meeting, all questions must be related to the items listed on the agenda paper. General questions that related to the Shire of Irwin and local government matters can be asked at the Ordinary Council Meeting.
Wording for Agenda Business Paper
Please be advised that with the adoption of Policy CP46 Agenda Forums on 23 April 2024, the Agenda Briefing and Councillor Information Sessions will no longer be taking place.
Agenda Forums and Ordinary Council Meetings will be held on the following dates in the Council Chambers at 11-13 Waldeck Street, Dongara.
Agenda Forum Meeting – 5.00pm Ordinary Council Meeting – 6.00pm
21 May 28 May
18 June 25 June
16 July 23 July
20 August 27 August
17 September 24 September
15 October 22 October
19 November 26 November
3 December 9 December (Monday)
Agenda Forum Information
1. Your Council generally handles all business at Ordinary or Special Council Meetings.
2. From time to time Council may for a Committee, Working Party or Steering group to examines specific subjects and then report to Council.
3. The purpose of the Agenda Forums is for council members and community members to be informed on agenda items before the next Ordinary Council Meeting.
4. Generally, all meetings are open to the public. Occasionally Council will be required to deal with personal, legal and other sensitive matters and on these occasions, Council will generally close that part of the meeting to the public. Every endeavour will be made to do this as the last item of business of the meeting.
5. Public Questions Time: It is a requirement of the Local Government Act 1995 to allow at least fifteen (15) minutes for public question time. At the Agenda Forum Meetings all questions asked must be related to the items listed on the Agenda Paper. Please note the following.
a) Meetings are scheduled for a 5.00pm start (unless otherwise advised)
b) Record your full name and suburb of resident on the Attendance Forum available in the public seating area.
c) When invited by the Presiding Member to ask your question/s, please state your full name for the benefit of the note taker and those present,
d) A minimum of 15 minutes is allocated to Public Question Time, which may be extended at the discretion of the Presiding Member.
e) You may ask up to 2 questions before other members of the public will be invited to ask their questions to ensure all have an equal and fair opportunity to ask questions.
f) The Presiding Member may elect for written questions to be responded to as normal business correspondence.
g) The Presiding Member may decide that a question shall not be responded to where the same or similar questions has been asked at a previous meeting and a respond has already been provided;
- A statement has been made and is not reformed into a question; or a question is offensive or defamatory in nature and is not reformed into a question.
h) A question may be taken on notice by Council for a later response. Responses will be provided in writing to the member and summary will be included in the agenda of the next Ordinary Council Meeting of Council.
i) Members of the public are encouraged to raise matters relating to operations and administration through the Shire’s Customer Request System.
j) Should you wish to provide written questions prior to the meeting please submit them by 4.00pm the day before the meeting. By submitting written questions, this assists the administration with preparing a response.
k) Should you wish to provide a presentation at the Agenda Forum. Presentation requests can be submitted to the administration. They are to be submitted in writing directly to the Chief Executive Officer by 4pm the day before the meeting. The presentation must be related to an item listed on the agenda paper.
l) Presentations have a time limit of 10 minutes and a limit of 2 representatives will be allowed to speak.
m) Agendas for the Agenda Forum and Ordinary Council Meeting are available to the public from the Shire of Irwin Administration Centre or via the Shire’s Website www.irwin.gov.au seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting.
n) The Agenda Forums are not required by legislation to ‘record official minutes’ the administration will provide a summary of notes from the Agenda Forum which will be presented to Council at the next Ordinary Council Meeting.